Radical transparency and why you should go after it.

October 5, 2022

Radical Transparency and why you should go after it.1) All of your actions can be tracked in this day and age, with the type of technology we humans possess. If someone wants to listen on you, they can. Only safe-space is between your ears, and that is not for long.2) You need to externalize your opinions to correct course and have a shot at reaching "truth". To hell with cancel culture, we humans need to speak more, and learn more.3) You may develop haters speaking your mind, but you may develop a herd of followers too. A community. That's what we humans need to strive for.4) It makes you a better, more honest person. Sure, if you don't educate yourself much / have a low IQ, you may face more backlash, but the point is to get smarter. When you put it all out there, you don't have, nothing to hide. That makes you a target yes, but a moving, flexible one. You move too fast to be hit. You get to understand that opinions are not yours, but merely objects that change. You change, your past self changes. You always improve. It's the quickest way to improve. Humans value honesty and the desire to improve/learn.Hope I made a quick case here. Radical transparency is a bit like agile vs. waterfall approach.Now, this comes with a word of warning. People need to give context to their advice / opinions, as these can be wrongly interpreted, especially under the clouds of emotions and specific realities/environments.Just like the Amazon reviews problem, giving advice / communicating online is a complex matter. There is still no clear way to describe "this advice/opinion comes from me in this very specific situation/demography/psychology".Society and consumers should get educated on how to absorb these online communications / pieces of data. I'm gonna be working on that problem to solve over the next years, as education is one of my great passion. If we're gonna live on this planet together for a while, we might as well learn to have more productive discussions.

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