13 unsubscribes vs. my last post :(

July 12, 2022


Am I annoying or… ?

Sure, my posting frequency has been quite steady lately, but I’ve stayed true to my #1 maxim: am I adding value or not? imo, you can find value in each of my last posts. This one included :)

The real question, though, is, how good was my last headline? So good it was almost clickbaity. I think I’ve disappointed in my premise. Expectations were high, but content was deceitful.

Open rate’s been 30%, in the worst hour (6pm EST) it was sent. So I’m expecting a final 40% open rate. Maybe people got annoyed to be reached at this time.

Now, the ultimate question is: “is it bad to have people unsubscribing?” Unless you’ve really messed up something, getting unsubscribes is actually healthy, from my perspective.

You will get out the way of your non-superfans. If my content is not relevant to these folks, then sure, unsubscribing’s the way. My goal’s to get 1000 superfans before 2025. On my way there.

People should actually force non-true fans to get out of their mailing lists.

That being said, I’m always testing stuff out. Maybe I got a bit too much inspiration from YouTube clickbait headlines. And maybe I oversold my own shit.

Possibly my frequency’s been too high as well, but I want to remind you of my existence daily, as I have offerings that are free and win+win, like my free podcast/mastermind.

Let’s mourn, but pray they don’t come back. The circle just got 3% tighter.

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